Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Eliminate Fear Of Dentists In Children

Dental Anxiety is commonly seen among children. Many children avoid telling parents about their dental problems just because of the fear of going to dentists. According to the experts, parents can play an important role in making their child’s first dental office visit a positive experience. Here are some tips to reduce dental anxiety in children, brought to you by Ridgetop Dental’s Northern Virginia Dental Clinic.

Start Early
The earlier a child’s dental visits start, the better. A good dentist will make your child comfortable while telling him about the importance of dental care and hygiene. Your child will become familiar with the environment of the dental clinic and will feel less scared to see a dentist.

Set an example
Children see their parents as their role models. Therefore, to help children experience less fear at the dentist it is important to set an example before them and be brave when going to a dentist. Parents can help the child minimize anxiety by showcasing their children that dental fear need not exist.

Go slow
When preparing your child for a dental visit, it is important to keeps simple at first. Doing so will make your child gradually familiar with the dental procedures. Keep a positive attitude when discussing an upcoming visit. It is very important to not give your child any false hope, as this can cause him to lose trust in you.

Do not try to relate
According to Ridgetop Dental’s centre for sedation dentistry in Northern Virginia, it is advisable not to take your children along when you yourself are anxious about your dental visit. Your child might sense those fears. These negative experiences can trigger anxiety in children.
It’s normal for a child to experience some fear
It’s normal for a kid to cry, whine and feel anxious about a dental visit. As a responsible parent, it is important for you to stay calm and let the experienced pediatric dentists do their work. They know how to manage fears in kids and make their dental visits as comfortable as possible.

Our kids are a reflection of us. So, if you want to eliminate fears in your child it is important to stay calm and relaxed and take him to a friendly dental clinic like Ridgetop Dental. Ridgetop Dental is the best centre for cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry and sedation dentistry in Alexandria VA within Northern Virginia region.
To know more, visit- http://www.ridgetopdental.com/

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